Dersingham VA Primary and Nursery School

Church School

Dersingham Primary and Nursery School is part of the Church of England Diocese of Norwich.

Why Choose a Church School?

Stronger Together

Our family of schools draws strength both from each other and from the Diocese.  We value the individuality of each school, supporting and valuing staff and sharing what we do best, for a sustainable future.


Enabling children to flourish

A key aim of the Diocese of Norwich Board of Education is to enable children - and their families - to flourish.  That means equipping children with the emotional and academic skills and resources to help form their aspirations, and providing the support and nurture to set them on their way to achieving them.

That means challenging them academically, but also spiritually, physically, artistically and technically.  By working together, schools under the Diocese remit are able to provide a richer curriculum which helps to develop the character and talents of every young person.

High academic standards combine with Christian values to foster creativity, confidence and compassion, in order to develop wisdom, knowledge and skills.

Genuinely inclusive

Our schools are open to all and accepting of all, regardless of faith.  A Christian ethos sets the culture of the schools in the Diocesan family.  The values behind this ethos - of love and respect - shape the education which young people in our schools receive.

Centred in community

Just as the church has always played a central part in local communities, schools within the Diocese of Norwich education family play cohesive and established role within those communities, as well as in the wider church community.

Education has a core focus on relationships and commitments, participation in communities and institutions, and the qualities of character which enable people to flourish together - recognising that in life as in education, we are always 'stronger together'.

Our support for schools

The remit of the Diocesan Board of Education is wide, but includes leading on building the Christian ethos; recruiting and training governors; providing professional development for teaching and other school staff; building links between schools and the church, clergy and the wider community.

In addition, we provide professional advice on a variety of school issues, including buildings and accommodation, governance, headteacher recruitment, strategic planning, inspections and academy conversions.  The two Diocese Multi-Academy Trusts (Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust and St. Benet's) provide and even greater level of support for member academies.

Diocese of Norwich Board of Education